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Sitting at your desk, sipping on a steaming cup of coffee, and ready to tackle the day’s tasks – that’s how you can gather confidence as you begin your work. But, all can break down in a moment if you face an avalanche of spam emails flooding in like an unstoppable force.

These annoying spam emails go beyond just being a nuisance. They can pose serious risks to businesses and individuals alike. In fact, according to recent statistics, email spam costs businesses approximately $20.5 billion every year! Even clicking on malicious links or downloading infected attachments hidden within these messages could lead to data breaches or even financial loss.

The good news is that preventing spam email isn’t rocket science! As you keep thinking about how to prevent spam emails, we’ll walk you through several practical steps that will help keep those spammers away and make sure your inbox stays squeaky clean.

What is Spam Email?

Spam emails, or junk emails as they’re commonly known, are those unwanted and unsolicited messages that bombard our inboxes. You know the ones – promising amazing deals on weight loss pills, offering fishy financial services, or tempting you with adult content. These unsolicited emails are sent out in huge quantities to a long list of recipients.

Spam can come from real people trying to sell questionable goods or make false claims for financial gain. However, more often than not, it is mass-produced by automated programs called botnets, which spammers control for their unlawful activities.

The subject matter of spam emails varies widely. But they usually revolve around areas like pharmaceuticals, adult content, online degrees, work-from-home job scams, and even cryptocurrencies.

Types of Spam Emails?

Spam emails come in various forms, each with its own sneaky purpose. There are phishing emails that bait you into revealing sensitive information. Tech support scams trick you into paying for fake services. Some spam messages even try to tempt you with promises of fortune. Let’s guide you through these.

  • Phishing Emails

Phishing emails are like a cunning trap set by cybercriminals. They cast a wide net, hoping to catch unsuspecting victims who will take the bait. These messages pretend to be from legitimate sources and lure you into revealing personal information such as your login credentials or credit card details.

phishing emails

It’s evident that phishing is simple yet dangerous because it targets our most vulnerable asset: the human mind itself! It’s crucial to stay vigilant and cautious when dealing with email attachments or clicking on suspicious links.

  • Tech Support Scams

In a tech support scam, you may receive an email claiming that there’s a technical problem with your device. They might even pretend to be from reputable local companies that you know. The message will urge you to contact their “tech support” either by calling a number or clicking on a link.

If you suspect any technical issues or malware, always visit the official website of the company in question and look for legitimate contact information there. Remote tech support often involves granting access to your computer, so make sure it’s going to someone credible rather than falling into the hands of scammers.

  • Advance-fee Scams

Advance-fee scams, also known as “Nigerian prince” emails, have been around for decades. They promise a huge financial reward if you provide them with a cash advance first. Often, scammers impersonate a distant relative or someone in dire need of money to make it more convincing.

However, once you pay the demanded amount as an earnest fee or processing fee, they vanish into thin air! Unfortunately, these scammers are experts at disappearing after taking your hard-earned money. So, don’t fall for their tricks.

  • Event Scams

Ever received an email promising you a remote job that pays in Bitcoin or financial relief for your small business? These enticing offers often make use of hot topics in the news to grab your attention. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, scammers took advantage of work-from-home trends and sent spam messages advertising remote jobs with cryptocurrency payments.

In 2020 alone, there was a surge in event-related scams. Some fraudsters claimed to offer government grants for businesses affected by lockdowns but ended up asking unsuspecting victims for sensitive banking information.

  • Malware Spam

Have you ever got an email with an attachment that seemed harmless but turned out to be a ticking time bomb? That’s malware spam for you! Commonly known as Malspam, it delivers malicious software (malware) straight to your device. Clicking on a link or opening an attachment could unleash ransomware, Trojans, bots, spyware – the list goes on!

Imagine receiving what looks like an innocent Word document from someone claiming to be from HR. You open it without hesitation, and boom! Your computer is infected with malware. Hence, be careful of opening attachments from unknown sources.

  • Email Spoofing

Email spoofing occurs when spammers send emails that appear to be from a trusted source, but in reality, they are not. These sneaky messages often imitate well-known companies like PayPal or Apple and trick you into taking action.

You might receive an email claiming to be from your bank requesting payment for an outstanding invoice. Or it may ask you to click on a link to verify your account or update billing information. However, these requests are just tactics used by scammers trying to steal your sensitive data.

Is Spam Dangerous?

Receiving spam emails in your inbox may not be dangerous on its own, but it’s when you open them that the trouble might begin. Scammers can gather valuable information about you if you inadvertently give away certain details.

Suppose you open a spam email with automatic image loading enabled on your email client. Without even realizing it, the scammer gets access to sensitive data such as your device location, internet service provider, device type, and operating system – all just from opening that seemingly innocent message!

Here’s why this matters: Spammers are always looking for active email accounts to target with more unwanted messages. Opening those emails could expose you to phishing attempts or malicious attachments designed to compromise your security.

So what should you do? If all you did was simply open the suspicious mail without taking any further action, don’t panic! But remember – if by any chance someone managed to trick you into doing something harmful like downloading an attachment or sharing personal info, prepare swiftly for damage control!

is spam dangerous

How to Prevent Spam Emails?

Tired of filtering through a mountain of spam emails every day? There are a few simple methods you can use to stop spam emails from reaching you for good. Let’s explore how you can keep your inbox clean and protect your business from potential threats.

  • Block Spam Mail Addresses

Blocking spam mail addresses is a simple yet effective way to prevent future unwanted messages from reaching your inbox. Spammers may change their email addresses frequently, but reporting and blocking them helps improve your email provider’s filters.

To block spam mail addresses:

  1. Without opening the email, identify it as spam.
  2. Report the message to your email service provider.
  3. Block the sender’s address using the built-in options in your email client.
  • Delete Suspicious Emails

When it comes to suspicious emails, the best approach is to delete them. Don’t make the mistake of opening or clicking on links in spam messages. That could expose you to scams or even malware. Some spam emails include fake unsubscribe links that only lead to more unwanted messages.

Remember, some spammers send junk emails simply to confirm if your account is active. It’s a dangerous trigger for even more junk! If an email seems off or unfamiliar, don’t think twice and hit that delete button. And remember, periodically emptying your spam folder will ensure a clean inbox and free up valuable space.

  • Use an Email Alias

Email aliases are a superhero in the battle against spam! They help protect your email’s privacy by allowing you to use generic addresses for signing up on websites and mailing lists. For example, instead of using “,” you can create an alias like “” This way, even if that alias gets spammed with unwanted emails, it won’t clutter your primary inbox.

To set up an email alias, check if your email service supports this feature. Alternatively, you can use identity theft protection services that automatically generate email aliases. Apart from safeguarding your primary address, they also minimize exposure to data breaches and prevent unsolicited spam from clogging up your inbox.

  • Report Spam Mails

Don’t waste your time manually deleting spam emails one by one. Take action and report them to your email service provider instead! By reporting any unwanted message as spam or phishing, you can help the provider improve their filters and block future junk effectively. It’s a small step that makes a big difference in keeping your inbox clean.

  • Beware of Phishing Emails

Be wary of phishing emails because they are becoming more challenging to spot. Look out for warning signs like unknown senders, spelling and grammar mistakes, and requests for personal information.

Never click on links or download attachments unless they are from a trusted source. Also, don’t provide personal info or reply to spam emails – better safe than sorry!

  • Unsubscribe from Unwanted Lists

Get rid of endless marketing emails and newsletters that are cluttering your inbox! Unsubscribe from unwanted lists and free up your space for future emails. Visit the company’s website to do that instead of clicking on the “unsubscribe” links at the bottom. This ensures your safety and protects you from falling into phishing scams.

If it’s a spam email, report it and delete it. It’s important that you don’t engage with spammers who are looking for active targets.

  • Turn off “Auto Load”

One way spammers gather information is through “auto-load” features that automatically download images in emails. If you want to prevent this, disable the auto-loading feature of external content in your email settings. Most providers offer this option to block automatic image downloads and protect you from potential threats.

Make sure to check if your email service has this feature enabled or if you need to turn it on manually. For your information, Outlook has it turned on by default.

  • Don’t Give Your Email to Websites

When it comes to providing your email address online, caution is key. Giving out your email on websites or social media platforms makes you an easy mark for spam emails and potential data breaches. Protect yourself by following these simple steps:

  1. Remove your primary email from social media profiles.
  2. Create a secondary “burner” email account or use an alias when signing up for new services.
  3. Keep personal websites (if you have any) free from publicly displaying your email address.
  • Make a New Email Account

If you find yourself drowning in a sea of spam emails, starting fresh with a new email account might be the way to go. By creating a brand-new email address and being selective about who you share it with, you can reduce the chances of receiving spam. Opt for an email service that has advanced spam filters in place to provide an extra layer of protection for your inbox.

Imagine having two mailboxes—one where spammers throw in all their junk mail and another one exclusively reserved for important documents like bills or government-related mail. Having separate accounts helps keep things organized and shields your primary mailbox from unnecessary clutter.

  • Change Your Privacy Settings

Preventing spam emails is not just about filtering them out; it’s also about reducing your exposure to unwanted junk in the first place. One effective way to do this is by changing your email privacy settings.

Be cautious about who you share your email address with. Plus, think about using two-factor authentication for added security. Remember, keeping your inbox private can go a long way in minimizing those annoying spam messages.

  • Use a Third-party Email Filter

No spam filter is perfect, but you can supercharge your protection by using a third-party email filter. These powerful tools, like Mailwasher, SpamSieve, and Zerospam, work alongside your existing filters to provide an extra layer of defense against unwanted emails.

  • Use Anti-virus Softwares

Another effective way to prevent spam emails is by using reliable anti-virus software. These robust tools not only protect your computer from malware but also identify and block suspicious email attachments or links that could be hiding potential threats. Invest in a reputable anti-virus program to add extra security to your digital world.

When you incorporate such proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to spam emails and keep your business safe.

block spam emails

How to Block Spam Emails?

  • Gmail

Gmail, being one of the most popular email providers out there, offers built-in tools to help you block spam emails and keep your inbox clean. It’s super easy! Here’s how you can do it on both a PC or web browser and through the Android or iPhone app:

On PC or Web Browser:

  1. Open Gmail.
  2. Click on the checkmark next to the spam email to highlight it.
  3. Click “Report spam” (the icon with “!” mark).

On Android or iPhone App:

  1. Open the Gmail app.
  2. Tap and hold the email in question.
  3. Tap “More” (the three dots in the top-right corner).
  4. Tap “Report spam”.
  • Outlook

If you’re an Outlook user and want to block spam emails, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open
  2. Highlight the email in question that you want to block.
  3. In the toolbar, click on “Report,” then select either “Report junk” or “Report phishing.”
  4. Click on the three horizontal dots (more) for additional options.
  5. Finally, click on “Block” and choose “Block Sender.”
  • Apple Mail

Blocking spam emails on Apple Mail is a breeze. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Launch the Mail app on your Mac running macOS Catalina or higher.
  2. Find the email from the sender you want to block and hover your cursor over their name.
  3. Click on “Block Contact” to prevent any future messages from that sender.

On an iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Mail app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on the sender’s picture, then their name, to view their details.
  3. Select “Block this Contact” and confirm your choice.

There isn’t a specific option to report spam in Apple Mail. But you can at least move those unwanted messages straight into the junk folder by following these simple instructions:

  1. Open up your mail app
  2. Swipe left across any offending email
  3. A menu will pop up; tap “More.”
  4. Finally, click “Move To Junk”.
  • Yahoo

If you’re a Yahoo Mail user wondering how to block spam emails and keep your inbox clean, it’s actually quite simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Yahoo Mail app.
  2. Click on Settings (the gear icon in the top-right corner).
  3. Select “More Settings” and then navigate to “Security and Privacy.”
  4. Under the Security and Privacy settings, click on “Add.”
  5. Type in the email address you want to block, and click Save.

To report an email as spam:

  1. Open Yahoo Mail.
  2. Click on the checkbox next to the email that is bothering you.
  3. Look for the “Spam” option in the toolbar above your email list.

Final Thoughts

Preventing spam emails and keeping your inbox clean is a must for a smooth and secure email experience. So, follow our effective strategies, such as blocking spam mail addresses, using email aliases, reporting spam mail promptly, or utilizing third-party email filters. All are necessary to protect yourself from the dangers of phishing scams and malware attacks while enjoying a clutter-free inbox.

If you want to take it a step further and truly ensure the utmost protection against spam emails, Crown Computers offers top-of-the-line services in San Diego. Our advanced third-party spam filter system is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing email setup while providing maximum security against unwanted messages.

Get in touch with Crown Computers to learn how we can help you permanently stop those pesky spam messages! It’s time to regain control of your inbox once and for all! Call us today for a personalized consultation!